Tag Archive | romance

I love my husband

kristinalmeister: kristinalmeister: But god damn do I feel like picking up a hot girl – thick, thin, tall, short, blonde, brunette or ginger – in a club and getting crazy for a night. You know what I mean? Sex doesn’t need to be a thing. I just wanna dance and make out and bully the […]

You said in a comment on your book that Cinderella Boy was based on your story. Can you tell me what you mean? Like did that stuff happen to you or did you mean a romantic story?

*cue the music from Princess Bride* Alright kids, settle in…Let Anti-Kris (what my niece calls me) tell you a story…It’s a story of love, of adventure, of personal discovery…It might be long, but I hope it will be worth it. I’ve known for much of my life that I was not “normal”. When I was […]