Tag Archive | Queer Writing

Can you talk about how your gender/sexuality was accepted by your parents?

LOL Wow. Okay. Short breakdown of my family history. My mom and dad met in gradeschool. My mom was accelerated by two years and so she met my dad at 12 when he was 14. They got married. Not the best idea. My dad was a catholic raised atheist who became a cop. My mom […]

Hey guys!!! If you’ve read my LGBTQ+ YA romance, Cinderella Boy, can you do me a favor and update your Goodreads profiles? It would be so nice if you’d leave reviews both on the book and on the Goodreads site. It would be so awesome to keep the book visible, at least until the second […]

The San Francisco Writer’s Conference LGBTQ+ “Pop-up” Conference

Some of you may know me as an intern and assistant to Laurie McLean, co-director of the San Francisco Writer’s Conference, the SFWC Foundation, and a founding Partner of Fuse Literary Agency. Some of you may know me as a published author. Some of you may know me as the freelance editor of Simon Alkenmayer’s […]